Havre Sector has indicated that they plan on implementing a corridor concept pairing stations in locations with living essentials with those stations in remote locations. Merging the leadership, staffing, and patrol functions of two stations into a singular corridor will increase the ability to attract and retain agents by providing additional opportunities to reside in areas with living essentials. The sharing of resources among the corridor will allow leadership to improve domain awareness by focusing additional staffing in high-threat areas. The following station staffing and AORs would be combined into corridors to effect this change:
o Western Corridor: Sweetgrass Station/St. Mary Station o Central Corridor: Havre Station/Malta Station o Eastern Corridor: Plentywood Station/Scobey Station
Essentially, this looks like an expansion of the number of resident agents and the elimination of 3 of the PAIC positions. There has also been mention of 24-hour coverage within each corridor. We are not entirely sure how they plan to accomplish this with the current manpower, if it is even possible. We have emphasized the importance of officer safety and not requiring agents to patrol unfamiliar areas without proper area orientation, etc. They have told us that stations will only compete within their station for days off and leave. Any station that is proposed to be reduced in manpower will be done through attrition. No agent will be forced to leave their current position if they choose not to. The number of positions at each location is as follows:
Sweetgrass Station: Current: 36 Proposed: 33
St. Mary’s Station: Current: 14 Proposed: 12
Havre Station: Current: 33 Proposed: 30
Malta Station: Current: 14 Proposed: 15
Plentywood Station: Current: 14 Proposed: 21
Scobey Station: Current: 13 Proposed: 19
Havre plans to roll out a video addressing the change very soon, possibly as early as Monday, April 3. It is important that we hear any concerns you may have so that we can adequately address them with management.
